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Affirmative And Negative Agreement Exercises

Posted by On December - 1 - 2020 | Share on Facebook!

Affirmatives agreement এর মতই negative sagung এর “অনুরূপ” কাজ প্রকাশের ক্ষেত্রে second sentence এর শেষে either এবং এবং neither ব্যাবহার nor in হয় similar simple sentences, or even in affirmative sentences. They are used to mention the negative agreement. To do so, the same rules apply to auxiliaries, whether they are and do, do or apply. একজন ব্যক্তি কোন একটি কাজ করল এবং অনুরূপ কাজটি আবার অন্য একজন করল। জন্য এবং এক্ষেত্রে অণুরূপ কাজটি প্রকাশ পুনরাবৃত্তি দূর phrase also জন্য এর দ্বিতীয় অংশে অথবা ব্যবহার “হয়। আর ইহা ব্যবহারের জন্য যে mandate টি the হয় Confirmation Agreement, । When we mention that one person or something is doing something and another is doing the same thing, we use the word one way or another. By using the conjunction and, followed by a simple statement used in one way or another, we can avoid unnecessary repetitions of words from affirmative sentences. The table of this statement depends on the presence or use. - এ agreement এর ক্ষেত্রে First clauseএ যে Tense - Verb এর ব্যবহার , second sentence এও সেই এর form of Tense। ব্যবহার . - I don`t see Monju this morning, and Lion doesn`t either. 3. In the main sentence, if a verb comes unaided, the excipient is used in the simple instruction. The tension must be the same and the subject and the verb must agree. - Jane goes to school. My sister goes to school.

- Jane goes to school and so does my sister. - Jane goes to school and so does my sister. 2. In the main sentence, if a compound verb (help - verb), for example, will, have done, done, written, must, etc. comes, the amount of help of the main verb is used in the simple statement, and the subject and verb must agree. - Jane goes to school, and so does my sister. - Matthews has not yet seen the new film. I haven`t seen the new movie yet. - Matthews hasn`t seen the new movie yet, and I haven`t seen it.- Matthews hasn`t seen the new movie yet, and neither has I. In the main sentence, if a form of verb is used, then the same tension of the verb will be used in the simple statement that follows.

… - you will work tomorrow in the lab and you will. - You will be working in the lab tomorrow. You`ll be working in the lab tomorrow. - You will work tomorrow in the lab, and you will. - You will work tomorrow in the lab, and you will. - I`m happy. You`re happy- I`m happy, and so are I. - Musa hasn`t seen the new film yet, neither has I. In everyday language, there is a lot of work that is done by one person and the same action is repeated by another person.

In this case, we must use certain words or formulas to express the words as best and accurately as possible. Therefore, we use different words and rules to avoid unnecessary repetitions of words known as affirmative and negative.
