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Wedding Agreement By

Posted by On December - 20 - 2020 | Share on Facebook!

It`s just one point less than this movie. Mia had offered her novels to several film production companies, but was turned away until Starvision Plus turned the content of the novel into a film in 2019. [3] (Tells in the novel) His parents were friendly and supportive with each other, when Bian`s family went bankrupt, Tari`s parents helped get up, so they agreed to raise their child. Mama Bian was suffering from breast cancer and often contracted chemotherapy, so Bian received the match to make her happy. Meanwhile, Tari`s parents died in an accident during the high school dance, and since then, Tari has been cared for by Pakde and her home, who had no children. The story that Mia Chuz tells in this film is different from romance in general, which only emphasizes romanticism. Wedding Agreement talks not only about the love story of two people, but also about how a woman is dedicated to her husband and contains very important religious values. Sarah, who was back in good health to see Bian at home, waiting for Tari to come home, finally decided to accept that her relationship with Bian would not continue, Sarah told me that Aldi was still with her while she was downstairs and that she was marrying Aldi. Tari finally decides to go home, but she sees Bian and Sarah huddle around their separation, and lets Tari be suspicious, Bian tries to catch up with Tari, but Dance leaves Bian again. Wattpad itself is a website that allows its users to submit good works in the form of articles, stories, novels, poems, etc. This marriage agreement is one of Wattpad`s agreements.

Tari (Indah Permatasari) does not expect their marriage to become a nightmare. On the first day, she comes to the house of Bian (Refal Hady), her husband, Tari is immediately confronted with a marriage contract that says they would divorce within a year. Bian plans to marry Sarah (Aghniny Haque), his mistress. Bian`s marriage is only for his parents. Tari does not give up, she tries to have the heart of Bian. But no matter how hard she tries, there`s always Sarah between them. Written by Btari Hapsari (biasa dipanggil Tari) adalah pengusaha muda yang sukses dengan usaha roti goreng dan sering menghadiri seminar tentang wirausahanya, sedangkan Byantara Wicaksana (Bian) bekerja sebagai insinyur. Mereka menikah bukan berdasarkan saling mencintai, tetapi perjodohan orang tua mereka. Bian memberikan Tari selembar kertss perjanjian yang bermaterai, bahwa mereka tidak boleh mengurusi kehidupan yang lain, dan pada saat usia pernikahan mereka berusia 1 tahun, mereka akan bercerai, menempati kamar terpisah, dan Tari dilarang untukmeme Bian beralasan karena ia tidak mencintai Tari, sebelumnya Bian sudah bertunangan dengan Sarah (`diceritakan pada novel` yang kemudian dibatalkan karena Mama Bian tida meknyi). Hal ini membuat Tari terkejut dan tidak menerima karena pernikahan bukan untuk dipermainkan, Bian pun ang Tari jika tidak terima bisa menuntut cerai ke Pengadilan Agama.

Tari mencoba bersabar dengan menyiapkan keperluan Bian dan membuatkan makanan soto Betawi walaupun Bian tidak pernah mau memakannya. Friend, sahabat Tari yang bertingkah laku lucu dan hobi bermain skateboard menasehati Tari untuk mengikuti kemauan Bian agar tidak menjadi beban pikiran Tari.
